ProgramNOVEMBER 2015, 18-19 - ORSAY, FRANCE LIST OF INVITED SPEAKERS AND PROGRAM CONFIRMED INVITED SPEAKERS Dr. Alain Bergel (Center for Chemical Engineering, ENSIACET, Toulouse, France) Dr. Dominique Chapelle (INRIA, Palaiseau, France) Dr. Pierre Charnet (Research Center on Macromolecular Biochemistry,Montpellier, France) Dr. Pascal Darbon (Institut des Neurosciences Cellulaires et Intégratives, Strasbourg, France) Dr. Jean-Marie Frachisse (Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC), CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France) Dr. Manon Guille-Collignon Department of Chemistry, ENS, UPMC, Paris, France Dr. Rüdiger Krahe (Department of Biology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada) Pr. Derek Lovley (Department of Microbiology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA) Pr. Daniel Robert (School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol, England) Dr. Tomaso Zambelli (Laboratory of Biosensors and Bioelectronics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland) ________________________________________________________
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Wednesday, November 18. 9h15-10h00 Registration and welcome coffee Session: subcellular systems. 10h00-10h40 Invited speaker: Pierre Charnet ; "Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels: structure, permeation and inactivation properties" 10h45-11h25 Invited speaker: Tomaso Zambelli ; "Force-controlled electrophysiology" 11h30-11h55 Coffee break Session: tissues, organs, biofilms. 12h00-12h40 Invited speaker: Dominique Chapelle ; "Multi-scale modeling of chemo-mechanical coupling in muscle contraction and applications to cardiac modeling" 12h45-14h15 Lunch 14h20-14h40 Oral conference: Christian Marlière ; "A direct and at nanometer scale study of electrical charge distribution on membranes of alive cells." 14h45-15h25 Invited speaker : Derek Lovley ; "Electromicrobiology: Electron Transfer via Biowires in Nature and Practical Applications" Session: animals, plants. 15h30-16h10 Invited speaker: Jean-Marie Frachisse ; "Ion channels in mechanosensing and electrical signaling in plants" 16h15-16h45 Exhibitors 16h50-17h30 Beer and poster session 17h35-18h15 Invited speaker: Daniel Robert ; "The bee, the flower and the electric field"
Thursday, November 19. 9h00-9h25 Tea-Coffee Session: subcellular systems and cells. 9h30-10h10 Invited speaker: Manon Guille-Collignon ; "More Transparency in BioAnalysis of Exocytosis: Coupling of Electrochemistry and Fluorescence Microscopy at ITO Electrodes" 10h15-10h35 Selected conferences Michal Cifra ; "Cellular electrodynamic activity" 10h40-11h10 Coffee break Session: cells and networks. 11h15-11h55 Invited speaker: Pascal Darbon ; "Spinal cellular and network properties modulate pain perception" 12h00-12h20 Selected conferences Clément Lafargue ; "Electro-Optic Microscopy (EOM) for cell biology" 12h25-13h55 Lunch Session: tissues, organs, biofilms. 14h00-14h40 Invited speaker: Alain Bergel ; "How could chemical engineering help in deciphering electro-microbial mechanisms?" Session: animals, plants. 14h45-15h25 Invited speaker: Rüdiger Krahe ; "The active electric sense of weakly electric fish: from electric organ discharge to sensory processing and behaviour.” 15h30-15h50 Selected conferences Thomas Boulier ; "A mathematical model for electrolocation in weakly electric field" 15h55-16h25 Coffee break and posters 16h30-17h15 Selected conferences Gregory Sutton ; "Bumble Bees (Bombus terrestris) use mechanosensory hairs to detect electric fields" (16h30-16h50) Eric Herbert ; "Green Thermoelectricity: Observation and analysis of plant thermoelectric response" (16h55-17h15)